The Town of Meeker has officially submitted the Meeker PRICE Main Grant Application. We would like to thank the Meeker Town Board, the Meeker Industrial Authority, the Meeker PRICE Committee, Mr. Stephen Sanders, the homesite renters (residents) of the Pine Ridge Mobile Park, Representative Kevin Wallace, Senator Grant Green, and Gordon Cooper Technology Center for their help and support with the grant application.
The Town of Meeker has successfully completed Round 1 - Technical Review.
The Town of Meeker on August 30, 2024, received a PRICE Competition Technical Cure Request - GRANT14208780 notification. The Deadline is September 11, 2024, to submit the requested documentation.
On September 11, 2024, the Town of Meeker received confirmation that the HUD PRICE Team has received the information necessary to address the curable deficiencies. HUD will proceed with its review of our application.
On December 19, 2024, HUD announced 17 awards totaling $225 million under the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Notice of Funding Opportunity. PRICE provides grant funding to communities to maintain, protect, and stabilize manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities (MHCs). While the Town of Meeker was not one of the applicants selected by the committee, we have provided valuable content to the Department of Housing and Urban Development on the need for affordable housing in Meeker, Oklahoma.